There is no doubt about it that a strong #browgame is on everyone's wish list, especially your clients. Yet, investing time and money into their brows is not the only valuable enhancement that is necessary. When clients come to you for perfectly microbladed brows (with the help of Madluvv's training and tools), their process to flawless brows is not over when they walk out of their appointment.
Every individual will react differently to the microblading procedure, some clients will retain a lot of pigment (especially mature clients) while others will not. A majority of it depends on age and attention to aftercare.

It's your job to make it clear to your client's how important aftercare is. Create an informational card or booklet for your clients to take home. Have them carefully read and reiterate the importance of the aftercare process throughout the appointment. Emphasize to them that the more times the brows have to re-scab (because of sweat, steam, exposure to the sun, picking, etc.) the less pigment will remain in the brow. Every time a scab comes off, pigment comes off with it.
Below is a reference form for your client's aftercare:
Below is a reference form for your client's aftercare:

Microblading Healing Pro Tips:
Did you know that lymph and plasma (the yellowish pus-looking substance) exude out of the skin for up to 4 hours following the microblading procedure? This is what can make the brows scab more than needed during the healing process. To avoid this - have your clients press cotton rounds into their brows to blot anything exuding from the skin every 30 minutes for the first 4 hours following the appointment.
Want to know one of the biggest no-nos when it comes to the healing process? SWEATING! Here's why: sweat comes from inside the skin when exuded and can cause the pigment to push out of the skin. Furthermore, when you sweat the scab softens on your healing brows and every time the scabs dry out after sweating, it pushes more pigment of their skin and into the scab, leading to less retention. To get the best results, it is vital to recommend that your clients avoid these sweat-filled workouts for at least a week. If they are workout addicts, advise that they do more weight lifting and less cardio to reduce the amount of sweat!