After completing your microblading certification training, you've learned all the skills and mastered all the techniques you need to succeed in your microblading career...but it doesn't stop there. Creating the right aesthetic and atmosphere for your clients is just as important as the work itself.
Luckily, we've got your back! Here are 3 things you should never do during your appointments – and 3 things you need to do instead that will double your business in less than a month. Remember, clients' referrals are your best friends!

DO ask what music your client would like to listen to.
If they say whatever you want ask them what the last song they listened to is. Then play that radio – you want them to be relaxed and to feel comfortable during their appointment.
DO have a thorough consultation with your client.
Make sure to show them their brows mapped out and get their feedback before you start the numbing process. This is a great way to ensure your client will walk out the door loving their brows.
Check out the best-selling Brow Mapping Kit to achieve flawless results.
DO go over aftercare.
Thoroughly go over expectations of the healing process with your client before they leave (we like talking about what the brows will look like for the first week-9 days of healing). Make it clear to your clients how important aftercare is. Create an informational card or booklet for your clients to take home.

DON'T assume you and your clients have the same taste in music.
Our goal is to make your client comfortable and relaxed, not nervous and tense. Playing a music genre they like will help relieve their tension.
DON'T assume your client and you will agree completely on brow shape.
Having your clients walk out of the door with a big smile on their faces is what we want! In order to achieve this, you need to remind yourself that your client may have a different need/want for their brows that you may not know. Starting your relationship off with a thorough consultation, MAPPING their brows on, and thoroughly going over their thoughts and opinions will result in your clients' dream brows.
Check out the best-selling Brow Mapping Kit to achieve flawless results.
DON'T assume your clients know what their brows will look like during the healing process.
In order to have a successful healing process, your clients are responsible to treat their brows with proper care after their appointment. Depending on their skin type and other factors, the healing process may look different for everyone. Generally, your clients will be looking at a healing time of about 7-10 days, a 6-week follow-up, and an annual touch-up.
Take your clients through a day-by-day walk-through of the healing process so they do not worry that their brows are not going to look the way they wanted them to (too dark, scabs flaking off, etc)