We are thrilled to introduce you to Madluvv’s Founder and CEO, Maddie Thompson. As a mother, wife, and successful business owner , she has faced numerous challenges along the way. From balancing family time with work obligations to overcoming obstacles in the male-dominated business world, she has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. We sat Maddie down amidst her busy schedule to answer some of your most pressing questions about running a business, juggling multiple roles, and staying true to your vision. Join us as we delve into the fascinating story of this entrepreneur, and discover the secrets to her success. Whether you're a budding business owner or simply looking for inspiration, you won't want to miss her insightful answers!

Question: How do you find a work-life balance? Seems so hard to do as a business owner.
Answer: “If this is not the million dollar question. Work-life balance is almost impossible - it really is. I think at the beginning of my career I put so much pressure and shame on myself. It felt like I was trapped in either place that I was at. Because if I was at home I felt like I wasn’t getting anything done at the office and if I was at the office, I felt crippling guilt for not being at home. So I have learned grace, first of all. There’s going to be times when I need to be at home more and there’s time where I need to put it all into my business - full-send. So what I have learned is that in order to be at either extreme, I need to hire my weaknesses, and I don’t feel bad about that at all. So whether that means hiring cleaners, hiring someone that can organize my life, whether that's hiring someone at my office that can do some of the things I just suck at, whatever. So hiring your weaknesses is definitely where it’s at and also maintaining a super organized schedule throughout the week really just relieves some anxiety out of my life.”
Question: How did you come up with the idea for the Brow Stamp Kit?
Answer: “The idea for the Brow Stamp stemmed from the fact that I was a microblading artist who came up with a line of stencils and basically had people flying in from all over the country to get their brows done by me and I just couldn’t keep up with the demand. I heard so often, ‘I love your stencil shapes’ and ‘I can just tell when you’ve done someone's eyebrows.” But I was getting really burnt out doing microblading and being as busy as I was with two young children. I thought to myself… My ultimate goal and my dream life is that everyone in the world can have Madluvv eyebrow shapes. I wanted to get my stencil shapes on every single person. And that’s where the Brow Stamp was born!”

Question: What shade do you use in the Brow Stamp? Your brows always look perfect!
Answer: “I use shade Soft Brown and it is just the most perfect, natural shade for me.”
Question: How many days do you go into the office vs work from home/on the go?
Answer: “Every week I have a schedule where I go into the office on Monday and Wednesday morning while my daughter is in play school, then on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have a nanny so I spend the day in the office. Friday morning I have a team meeting then spend the rest of the day enjoying very quality time with my daughter. The weekend is for my family.
I know that a lot of women get this, and entrepreneurs in general, but every day is a new day when running your own business and there are some days where I’m home with my daughter that some things just have to get done. So if an email needs to be sent or a presentation needs to be built I’m really good at hustling and grinding to do that when they’re sleeping at night or during some rest time.”

Question: How often do you and the team travel for work?
Answer: “We love traveling but rarely get to do it together. But, now that we are in retail, we will be doing more events and day trips to places so stay tuned for that because it’s freaking FUN! I just love meeting people from all over the country/world. One of those core memories that I'll cherish as an entrepreneur and business owner is getting to know other people and how they do things.”
@madluvv Calling yesterday “a dream come true” almost feels like an understatement. We got to see our product display in @Nordstrom in Las Vegas, teach their wonderful beauty consultants about our easy-to-use Brow Stamp Kit AND got to meet some of our customers face-to-face. What a DAY! #madluvv #nordstrom #nordstrombeauty #brows #makeup ♬ original sound - Madluvv
Question: How did you even know where to begin after coming up with the idea of the Brow Stamp?
Answer: “I didn’t know what to do after I thought of the Brow Stamp, but I went to a trade show and got in line with some amazing fabricators and companies in my industry that could help me bring to pass what my idea was. I’m just so grateful for all of those connections that I’ve made even at my first trade show. So, going to a trade show is the advice I would give. That was definitely my most pivotal moment in my journey creating this product.”
Question: What is your take on other brands stealing your brow stamp idea? Seems so frustrating.
Answer: “Oh my goodness. This takes a lot of self growth to be able to function when people are basically stealing your baby. But honestly, I’ve come to the conclusion that in any space, people who have a good idea are going to get ripped off. It’s just something that every single successful person has to face and something that honestly makes the best in the industry even better because I am always looking to innovate something. I’m always looking to do something else that’s brand new to push the envelope even more. I’m not just going to be coasting and just be a company with the Brow Stamp. So we are coming out with some sick stuff. So, yes, always use those moments to propel you forward instead of setting you back and stealing your joy.”
Question: Where did the name Madluvv come from?
Answer: The name Madluvv came from a friend in high school. That was my nickname. She used to call me, “Madluvv,” and I just thought it was such a cute name for a makeup brand.
Question: What is your favorite part of being in charge and what is the most stressful?
Answer: My favorite part of being in charge is when we win, I have good ideas, the vibe of the office is amazing and everyone feels taken care of. When I don’t like being in charge is when I forget a detail of something or make a mistake. Being in charge and being someone’s boss is the fastest way of showing you all of your weaknesses and strengths. So, I mean, I’ve just had to face the reality of the things that I’m not good at and that’s ok.”
Question: Your brows look even more amazing than usual lately! Are you doing anything different?
Answer: They’ve definitely changed because I've been using Laminate Me+ Brow Gel for the last few months. My brows are way more voluminous and bushy! I’m also using a few new products that we’re coming out with in the next few months and you guys are going to be so shook.
Do you have any more questions for Maddie? Ask below and we'll feature them in our next Q&A!