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10 Ways to Stand Out in the Beauty Industry

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How to make it in the Beauty Industry


As the microblading and beauty industry continues to expand and grow quickly, you may be wondering...

What can I do to set myself apart?

This is a great question and we've found ourselves wondering the same thing. With time we've found that the practices we have put in place really do work! We love sharing our tips and tricks, so below you'll find some marketing practices that have been tested and proven worthy by Madluvv herself...


1. One post a day, keeps you always on the brain

Want to know a proven way to make your small business grow? By continually engaging your clients or potential clients every day through social media. You will notice a significant difference in engagement rates between posting once a week and posting seven times a week (or more). Not only will you continually pop up in your followers' feeds, but your new following will grow faster than ever. Growth rates online translate into a growth in clientele! 

The more content you have online, the better. When you are posting every day, you want your content to be varied. Variety leads to intrigue, intrigue leads to more engagement, and more engagement leads to new clients! Before and after pictures, lifestyle pictures, boomerangs, videos, trend updates, inspiration and educational posts are all ideas to vary your content.  

TIP: We recommend honing in on 1-2 social media platforms. We prefer using Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook (and occasionally Pinterest). 

Post quality microblading photos everyday

2. Post quality pictures

“Quality is the best business plan." The difference in before and after quality pictures is astounding. Since before and after pictures are most people's #1 deciding factor of booking with you or someone else, you want to make sure they're high-quality and truly show how talented you are! Use a quality camera - iPhone 7+ Portrait setting or a professional camera - and make sure your lighting is amazing (we recommend a ring light).


3. Original content

Have you ever seen the same quote posted 100 times and think, wow, how original? Ya... so have we. Don’t be that girl. Be original. Make your own quotes, memes, illustrations, etc. and make sure to put your brand's watermark on it because chances are it will get reposted and your brand's name will start circling the web! Nothing kills a business more than the lack of originality.  


Original microblading content


4. Be an industry leader, make this known

Nothing makes you more trustworthy to future clients than KNOWLEDGE. Never stop learning about your industry’s new rules, trends, products etc., and be innovative yourself! Make yourself a resource for other people in your industry.


5. Invest in your space

Make your client's experience one to remember and make your space cohesive with your own brand. A space that is clean, quiet from a ton of outside noise, has a lot of natural light (and or well lit with a ring light) and in accordance with the laws of your state will elevate your brand and make you more confident in your practice.  


invest in your microblading space


6. Invest in those who invest in you

Feel like no one knows about you? Well, you are probably right. One of the best ways to get your name out there is to do your services on an influencer in your area. 


7. Do not discount yourself

What you charge people is a direct correlation of how you value your work and if you are always on sale, future clients will wonder why. Think about people or brands who are successful in your industry or other industries- do reputable people or brands like your hair stylist, tattoo artist or even Nordstrom constantly have blowout sales or BOGO? Nope! And neither should you. 


Do not discount yourself - value your time



8. Sell your clients on YOU

Your appearance and overall aesthetic is such a selling point for future clients. Do you have amazing brows? Are you as groomed and well manicured as your feed? To be the best you must look and feel the best! A person who trusts you to tattoo eyebrows on their face must trust YOU!


Sell your clients on you - make yourself a brand


9. Overall flow of your content 

Streamline your content. Have an overall look and voice that resonates in each post. 



10. Make your clients proud

Exceptional work and overall experience breed pride, and a likely referral from your clients.

TIP: Send your clients their before and after pictures after each appointment - they may not post, but we can promise they will show and tell with friends, family, and co-workers!



Make your microblading clients proud with your work

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